Reg Parsons

"Mountain Lion Bust"

"Stolen Time"

"To Bee or not to Bee"

"Buffalo Jump"

Growing up in western Canada, Reg Parsons always had a notebook filled with sketches of wildlife and horses. Sketching wildlife led him into the art of taxidermy, which then led him to working in bronze. He sculpted mannequins, but the spring of 1997 challenged him to sculpt wildlife. Parsons has a grand understanding of nature, and the anatomy of animals, which is conceived through each bronze sculpture he creates.
Parsons had sculpted subjects such as the Golden Eagle, North American wildlife, the Western Rodeo Series, the Lab Puppy Series, the impressionist Series of Creation, which demonstrate his versatility. He has been awarded for his talents, his art work being noted as highly original. His sculptures can be found in cooperate and private collections around the world and is displayed in fine art galleries throughout western Canada and the United States.
Parsons currently lives in Cranbrook, BC, and was commissioned by the City in 2007 to sculpt a monument of a sow grizzly and her two cubs, “On Donely Slide”, for the Cranbrook Airport. Viewers admire his bronze sculptures along with their clever titles, keeping in mind his love for nature and its creatures.
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